WHO Collaborating Centre for <i>Mycobacterium ulcerans</i>

  1. To perform molecular (PCR) and culture diagnosis of Mycobacterium ulcerans infection in humans and other animals for the Western Pacific Region.
  2. To perform genome sequencing on all new M. ulcerans isolates as an aid to epidemiological studies.
  3. To systematically record and report all cases of M. ulcerans infection in Australia to the relevant state and national health authorities, and cases occurring in other countries in the Western Pacific Region to the relevant local and national health authorities. All cases identified in the region reported to WHO.
  4. In conjunction with the relevant local Health authorities, to gather and map the likely geographic source of infection for all cases of Buruli ulcer in the Western Pacific Region.
  5. To continue expanding the Centre's existing archive of isolates, histological specimens, genome sequences, for future reference and research and to continue sharing this resource with the worldwide network of M. ulcerans researchers.
  6. To continue to promote, facilitate and conduct outstanding M. ulcerans research in a range of areas between local, regional and international collaborators.
  7. To further develop expertise in environmental surveillance of M. ulcerans.
  8. To provide ongoing excellent laboratory and clinical support for the management and treatment of M. ulcerans infection in humans and animals, both within Australia and other countries within the Western Pacific Region where cases of M. ulcerans infection are diagnosed
  9. To provide training for scientists from developing countries in molecular and culture diagnosis of M. ulcerans infection in humans and animals.
  10. To communicate developments in the diagnosis, treatment and control of M. ulcerans infection in humans and animals to the medical, veterinary and scientific communities and the general public.
  11. To provide public advocacy designed to increase awareness both locally and internationally of this important neglected disease.
  12. To review these ToRs every two years.

Last reviewed: January 2024