WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis

WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis | Centre Activities

Victorian Hepatitis B Alliance

Our mission

The Victorian Hepatitis B Alliance (VHBA) is an independent, multi-disciplinary community of practice that aims to build momentum behind the Victorian response to hepatitis B.

Who we are

VHBA formed in 2008. We consist of both individual members and organisational representatives, including multicultural and Indigenous health and social services, clinical service providers, researchers, community health services and individuals with an interest in hepatitis B.

Download the Victorian Hepatitis B Alliance Terms of Reference

Our members

What we do

The multi-disciplinary nature of VHBA creates a unique opportunity for networking and exchange of information and expertise. The VHBA Strategic Directions guide our work which includes:

  • policy advocacy
  • building community leadership
  • workforce development.

VHBA has two sub-committees:

  • Spotlight Sub-committee: organises an annual training and information event for community and health workers, held in July
  • Advocacy Sub-committee: responds to advocacy issues related to the effective delivery of the Victorian Hepatitis B Strategy

Recent events

15th Annual Spotlight on hepatitis B - 2023

Date: Thursday 3rd August 2023 | Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Location: Woodward Conference Centre, Level 10 - 185 Pelham St, Carlton

Format: Face-to-face



Community Perspectives Project

The Hepatitis B Community Perspectives Project is a community co-designed project with people living with hepatitis B, developed by the VHBA and funded by the Victorian Department of Health.

The project aims to explore the diverse experiences of living with hepatitis B. 

Take a look at our Community Perspectives Project video, where Huy tells his story of living with hepatitis B, and our podcast episode developed with North Richmond Community Health Centre, where Mei shares her experiences of living with hepatitis B. 

Contact us

LiverWELL (incorporating Hepatitis Victoria) is the current secretariat for VHBA. If you would like to join VHBA or to know more about us, please email contactvhba@gmail.com