WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis

The WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis, at the Doherty Institute, has been designated as one of only five Collaborating Centres for Viral Hepatitis globally.

We are one of five WHO designated Collaborating Centres for Viral Hepatitis around the world. The Centre has a primary role in conducting surveillance, treatment and prevention activities, as well as developing public health policy relating to viral hepatitis, and assisting the WHO to implement its Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis. The Centre also works together with the Doherty’s WHO Regional Reference Laboratory for Hepatitis B (Western Pacific Region), which is responsible for laboratory, technical, research and training support to countries in the region, as well as serving as a resource on hepatitis B diagnostics and surveillance.

The Centre provides numerous diagnostic and specialised molecular tests for detection of various markers of infection for all forms of viral hepatitis (A-E), and has a strong research focus in investigating viral characteristics associated with drug resistance, vaccine escape, and adverse disease outcomes. In addition, research groups within the Centre have a particular focus on viral hepatitis and HIV co-infection, examining factors associated with disease progression and responses to antiviral treatment. The Centre’s epidemiology team have a diverse research agenda relating to the prevalence and burden of chronic viral hepatitis locally, nationally and globally, and help guide public health responses to reduce the impact of viral hepatitis.

The Centre’s multidisciplinary team of epidemiologists, scientists, clinicians and others working in the WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis at the Doherty Institute collectively support the work of the WHO and other partners in eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health concern in coming years. Through sustained efforts, effective partnerships, and innovative approaches we believe this goal is within our grasp.

In addition to surveillance, our staff at the Centre also engage in research, training and education activities. More detailed information about our centre activities can be found here.

Terms of Reference (2023-2027)

Under its designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis, the Centre’s Terms of Reference (for 2019-2023) are:

1. To support WHO in strengthening epidemiological and laboratory capacity for implementing global and regional frameworks and strategies towards the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030.

2. To assist WHO in providing technical support, capacity building and implementation models for testing and treatment across the continuum of prevention, care and treatment for hepatitis, including the elimination of mother to child transmission of viral hepatitis.



1. To assist WHO in generating and analyzing epidemiological and programmatic data to guide public health policy and practice related to viral hepatitis and related complications including liver cancer.

2. To strengthen viral hepatitis diagnostic capacity and increase access to quality diagnostics in resource constrained settings.

3. To support WHO in providing guidance and establishing service delivery models for screening, care and treatment of viral hepatitis.

4. Assist Member States as requested by them in conducting molecular analyses for viral hepatitis, including characterisation and classification of hepatitis viruses (A-E)