The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Dr Ryan Wick

Dr Ryan Wick

0411 851 158 |

Research Officer - Bioinformatics
Bacterial and Parasitic Infections, Public Health, Computational Science and Genomics
Discovery Research, Computational Science and Genomics, Public Health
The University of Melbourne, Department of Microbiology and Immunology (DMI)
Lab Group(s):
Stinear Group

Dr Ryan Wick is a bioinformatician specialising in long-read assembly of bacterial genomes. He has developed numerous bioinformatics tools, including Bandage, Unicycler, Porechop, Filtlong, Badread, Trycycler and Polypolish. Ryan earned his PhD from Monash University under Professor Kathryn Holt. Currently, Ryan is a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Tim Stinear's group at the University of Melbourne's Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity.

  • Key Achievements
    • Dr Ryan Wick was awarded the PLOS Computational Biology 'Exemplary Methods/Software' research prize in 2018.

      He has been invited to speak at international conferences, most recently at the 2022 NZ Microbiological Society Annual Conference where he delivered a plenary talk and the 2023 FDA Omics Days conference where he delivered a keynote talk.

      He has received two awards from ABACBS: the Outstanding PhD Thesis Award in 2022 and the ARDC Software Developer Award in 2023.

      His PhD thesis won the Dean's Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence by the Monash Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences in 2023.

      In both 2022 and 2023, he was named on the Clarivate list of Highly Cited Researchers.

    Research Groups
    • Stinear Group

      Tim Stinear’s group’s research addresses priorities across four connected themes that including hospital superbugs, pathogenic mycobacteria, natural product discovery and public health genomics that aim to understand and contain the spread of bacteria causing serious human disease. 

      Lab Team

      Stinear Group

      • Laboratory Head and Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Mycobacterium ulcerans
      • Postdoctoral Researcher
      • Jessica Porter
        Laboratory Manager, Molecular microbiology
      • Dr Jean Lee
        Senior postdoctoral scientist, Molecular microbiology
      • Senior Researcher
      • Dr Louise Judd
        DAMG senior scientist, Genomics
      • Dr Geraldine Kong
        Postdoctoral scientist, Computational biology
      • Dr Andrew Buultjens
        Postdoctoral scientist, Computational biology
      • Dr Prashanth Ramachandran
        NHMRC Emerging Leader Investigator, Clinical metagenomics
      • Dr Liam Sharkey
        Senior postdoctoral scientist, Molecular microbiology
      • Dr Calum Walsh
        Senior postdoctoral scientist, Computational biology
      • Dr Nancy Wang
        Senior postdoctoral scientist, Immunology and microbiology
      • Dr Ryan Wick
        Postdoctoral scientist, Computational biology
      • Jessica Gu
        Project manager
      • Angela Donald
        Project manager
      • John Forsyth
        PhD student
      • Infectious Diseases Physician | Medical Education Consultant | PhD Candidate
      • Alexandra Krause
        PhD student
      • Rutaiwan Dusadeepong
        PhD student
      • Karolina Mercoulia
        PhD student
      • Sarah Zufan
        PhD student
      • Warasinee Mujchariyakul
        PhD student
      • Angaj Ghosh
        PhD student
      • Research Fellow
      • Dr Koen Vandelannoote
        Senior postdoctoral scientist, Honorary lab staff