The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Dr Jasminka Sterjovski

Dr Jasminka Sterjovski

Dr Jasminka Sterjovski

(03) 8344 3331 |

Research Coordinator
Viral Infectious Diseases, HIV
Department of Infectious Diseases, Doherty Directorate
Lab Group(s):
Lewin Group

Dr Jasminka Sterjovski is Research Manager for the Doherty Directorate. Jasminka completed her undergraduate studies in Biomedical Science at Monash University followed by Honours at the Burnet Institute in 2002 in the area of HIV transcriptional regulation. She continued to work in HIV molecular virology for the following 11 years, completing her PhD thesis on HIV entry in 2008, followed by a successful postdoctoral, during which she established research collaborations that led to a successful National Health and Medical Research Council Development grant and a provisional patent. From 2012, she moved into the field of project management and then research management for the Department of Infectious Diseases. Jasminka has experience in grant applications and administration for local governmental and philanthropic funding bodies, as well as international funding agencies such as National Institutes of Health in the USA, American Foundation for AIDS Research, and the Wellcome Trust.

  • Publications
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    Research Groups
    • Lewin Group

      The focus of the Lewin group is to understand why HIV infection persists on antiretroviral therapy and to develop new strategies to eliminate latency. The lab also researches factors that drive liver disease in HIV-hepatitis B virus co-infection. The lab is also actively involved in COVID in relation to pathogenesis, the use of primary tissue models, and developing therapeutics using gene editing strategies.

      Lab Team

      Lewin Group

      • Director - The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
      • Deputy Head Lewin Lab | Senior Research Fellow
      • Senior Research Fellow
      • Dr Wei Zhao
        Research Fellow
      • Dr Chris Chiu
        Research Fellow
      • Dr Youry Kim
        Research Fellow
      • Dr Stan Kan
        Research Fellow
      • Dr Jill Lau
        Clinical Research Fellow
      • Clinical Research Liason Officer
      • Dr Judy Chang
        Research Systems Administrator
      • Dr Catherine Kennedy
        Research Coordinator
      • Research Coordinator
      • Laboratory Manager
      • Infectious Diseases Physician
      • Research Fellow
      • Carolin Tumpach
        Research Support Officer
      • Rosalyn Cao
        Research Support Officer
      • Danielle Fong
        Research Support Officer
      • Abigail Tan
        Research Support Officer
      • Jared Stern
        PhD Candidate
      • Rachel Pascoe
        PhD Candidate
      • Paula Cevaal
        PhD Candidate
      • Haoming Liu
        PhD Candidate
      • Kiho Tanaka
        PhD Candidate
      • Rory Shepherd
        PhD Candidate
      • Lauren Wallace
        Honours Student
      • Bridget Fisher
        Honours Student
      • Associate Professor Edwina Wright
        Clinical Affiliate
      • Dr James McMahon
        Clinical Affiliate
      • Head, Clinical Virology and HIV Services, Deputy Director Department of Infectious Diseases Austin Health
      • Associate Professor Thomas Rasmussen
        Clinical Affiliate

Full University of Melbourne profile