The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Dr Gesa Albers is a postdoctoral research officer with a passion for mucosal immunology. Dr Albers completed her PhD at the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London in 2022. Her PhD work aimed to study the role of airway macrophage metabolism in asthma and allergic airway disease. Dr Albers recently joined the lab of Dr Laura Cook within the group of Prof Jose Villadangos at the Doherty Institute.

  • Publications
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    Research Groups
    • Villadangos Group

      Professor Jose Villadangos' group combines immunology, biochemistry and cell biology to study how the adaptive immune system detects pathogens and cancer, a process called Antigen Presentation. Their research is applicable to vaccine development, treatment of critically ill patients and the fight against cancer.

      Lab Team

      Villadangos Group