The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Buruli ulcer part two: a diagnosis and advocating for change

02 Feb 2024

Buruli ulcer part two: a diagnosis and advocating for change

Numbers of Buruli ulcer cases have been increasing to between 200-340 cases per year since 2017, with 363 cases diagnosed in Victoria during 2023 alone. 

Mornington Peninsula resident, Ella Crofts, who contracted a Buruli ulcer at age 13 back in 2017 joins the episode with a unique story to tell.


Listen to our previous episode on Buruli ulcer with Professor Tim Stinear. Buruli ulcer part one: 80 year-long transmission mystery solved

Channel 9 news story featuring Ella

Beating Buruli in Victoria project

Short video on how you can protect yourself and stop the spread of Buruli ulcer, featuring Professor Tim Stinear

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