The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


03 May 2024

Professor Mackay receives international 2024 ICIS-Luminex John R. Kettman Award for her outstanding contributions to Cytokine and Interferon research

University of Melbourne’s Professor Laura Mackay, Laboratory Head and Theme Leader in Immunology at the Doherty Institute, has been honoured with the 2024 ICIS-Luminex John R. Kettman Award for Excellence in Cytokine and Interferon Research for her exceptional research on memory T cell populations and their regulatory cytokines.

Since 2020, the award, named after Dr John Kettman, an immunologist who was instrumental in the development of Luminex’s technologies and the Luminex Corporation, recognises a mid-career investigator who has made outstanding contributions to the field of interferon or cytokine biology.

Cytokines are signalling proteins released by cells that regulate immunity, inflammation, and blood cell development, influencing the behaviour of other cells. Interferons, a specific type of cytokine, defend against infections and cancer by inhibiting virus replication, activating immune cells, and enhancing the body's immune response.

Prior to Professor Mackay's research, it was commonly believed that immune memory was solely controlled by immune cells in the blood. However, her work showed that a distinct population of T cells in body tissues, such as the skin, are key to mediating immune protection. Over the past decade, her team has worked to define the cytokines and molecular cues that regulate this T cell population.

Her work has contributed to a significant shift in cancer treatment strategies from traditional methods like radiation and chemotherapy to immunotherapy.

With infectious diseases and cancer leading global mortality, Professor Mackay said she's excited that her work in changing the approach to managing these diseases is being recognised.

“I am extremely humbled to receive this award. Our research has been driven by a mission to understand and ultimately defeat diseases that affect millions worldwide,” said Professor Mackay.

“I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of the scientific community, our collaborative partners, and ICIS who share our commitment to significantly improving patients' lives.”

Professor Mackay will present her ICIS-Luminex Award presentation, “Regulation of Tissue-Specific Immune Responses,” at the Cytokines 2024 Joint Meeting with KAI 2024, which will be held in Seoul, Korea in October later this year.