The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


22 Aug 2024

Melbourne-Calgary Enabling Capabilities Collaborative Seed Funding 2024


Aim and Scope

What is the aim of the Melbourne-Calgary Enabling Capabilities Collaborative Seed Funding 2024?

The aim of the Collaborative Seed Grant 2024 is to encourage capability building and to develop research collaborative partnerships between the Doherty Institute, an unincorporated joint venture between the University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, and investigators located at the Snyder Institute for Chronic DiseasesCumming School of Medicine and other Faculties within the University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta, Canada. This grant opportunity has been jointly funded through the Cumming Global Centre for Pandemic Therapeutics and the Snyder Institute.

The Cumming Global Centre for Pandemic Therapeutics (CGCPT)

Established with the support of a significant philanthropic donation from Mr. Geoff Cumming, the Cumming Global Centre for Pandemic Therapeutics is a mission-driven, globally connected research program committed to enabling the rapid design and development of treatments for pathogens of pandemic potential, based at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. The centre will advance the science behind antiviral therapeutics, transforming the management of future pandemics and saving lives.

An important element of the Centre’s research plan includes the establishment and expansion of Enabling Capabilities, specialised facilities and teams focussed on key technologies that will be needed to support the mission of the Centre. These Enabling Capabilities will accelerate research outputs and will provide researchers with access to the very best technologies to enhance efficiency and speed in their work and reduce duplication of effort.

What initiatives will be considered for funding?

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to investigators conducting collaborative initiatives in the area of enabling capabilities that will enhance the mission and impact of the CGCPT. Investigators should be located within both the Doherty Institute and the University of Calgary, including the Snyder Institute. Eligible proposals will be jointly led by one principal investigator (PI) from each Institution. A history of prior collaboration is not necessary.

Enabling Capabilities are technologies that will support and accelerate the mission of the CGCPT through providing key technologies that are needed for therapeutic development for pathogens of pandemic potential. These include capabilities that will lead to knowledge generation and also enable operational excellence and efficiency. Enabling capabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Organoids and organ on a chip models

  • Structural biology

  • Imaging – in vivo, 2D/3D

  • Animal models, e.g. humanised mice, IMC/wild mice, woodchuck

  • mRNA/LNPs

  • Omics, including AI and machine learning

The successful proposals will support initiatives that have a clear pathway for driving collaboration, and leveraging institutional expertise to build capacity in the collaborating institutions, specifically in the areas of the capabilities outlined above. Applications must state a clear vision and timeline of how the seed grant will be applied, and how it might link with other programs, and further funding opportunities within Canada and/or Australia, as well as internationally beyond the two countries. Some areas are out of scope, such as proposals focusing on small molecules as antivirals, or outside the funding guidelines, such as contributions to infrastructure, publications, or covering PhD costs.

This collaborative funding call is open to all research staff whose primary appointment is at one of the named partner Institutes. Competitive proposals will be those that support further developing cutting edge and novel capabilities, potential for impact, collaborative gain, and alignment with one of the designated areas. and access to the capability will be viewed favourably.

Funding Available

How much funding is available?

Funding is available for two grants, one based at each Institute and valued up to $35,000 each. In acknowledgement of the generous funding from the Snyder Institute to support this grant scheme, one of the two successful grants will have a co-Principal Investigator with a primary appointment at the Snyder Institute.

What are the conditions of funding?

The successful initiative(s) are required to be completed by December 31st 2025. All monies received must be expended, or have a discrete plan for completion of spending by this time. Applications should meet the following mandatory criteria:

  • Two Principal Investigators, one based at the University of Calgary, and one at the Doherty Institute.

  • An outline of a pathway for how the initiative can build or strengthen partnerships in the area of enabling capabilities required for the development of therapeutics for pathogens of pandemic potential. Collaborative benefits for both Institutes must be articulated.

  • A statement of a clear vision and timeline of how the funding will be expended.

  • A commitment to attending any relevant seminars/workshops throughout the course of, and following, the grant period.

The Doherty Institute and the University of Calgary are committed to promoting equity in research. Proposals should include a diverse research team, including balanced gender representation.

Application Process

What is the application process?

The following documents must be submitted electronically through the SmartyGrants portal by 11:59pm Thursday October 10, 2024 – Australian Eastern Standard Time.

  • Completed application form

  • Most recent CV for both Principal Investigators, and any co-investigators*

  • Signed certification forms from respective Authorised Representatives from both Doherty and Calgary, as well as signed Co Investigator consent forms, to be uploaded into your application. Forms are shared here.

    • * For Canadians we recommend the CCV (CIHR Biosketch format)

Incomplete applications and applications submitted after this time will not be considered. All correspondence to applicants will be via email.

Applications submitted outside the SmartyGrants portal, including via email and PDF, will not be considered.

What budget information is needed?

A brief budget and justification is required on the application form. Outline budget items, justification, amounts and total amount.

How do PIs provide confirmation of collaboration?

Each co-investigator needs to complete a Co-Investigator consent form, linked on the SmartyGrants submission portal. Forms should then be uploaded into your application before submission.

What is the process post-submission?

Once the application closing date has been reached, all applications will be screened to ensure they have met the essential criteria. Applications will then be reviewed by a selection committee. Applications will be assessed according to their potential to foster greater collaboration, cooperation and partnership, primarily between the Doherty Institute and the University of Calgary, including the Snyder Institute.

Successful Applicants

What if my application is successful?

News of successful applicants and a project summary will be made available widely throughout both Institutions. All successful applicants will be notified by email by mid-November 2024, and asked to sign a grant agreement. This agreement will summarise the core requirements of the grant award, the amount of grant allocated and the responsibilities for each party. Legal liability and insurance requirements will also be confirmed for each project at the grant agreement stage. You may be asked to report on the ongoing status of the project from time to time.

When will funding be provided?

On the successful award of a grant, the grant agreement will state the total amount of funding that will be provided. Specific timings will be agreed upon at the start the project.

Key Dates

Applications CLOSE: 11:59pm Thursday October 10, 2024 – Australian Eastern Standard Time

Notification of Outcomes: mid-November 2024

Further information

Who do I contact with queries?

Key documents