The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


Research Projects

Project: Microbiome ecology, evolution and engineering

Marcelino Group

A multitude of microbes lives inside humans and other animal hosts. These microbiomes encode an arsenal of both beneficial and toxic metabolites that play an important but still poorly understood role in the health and evolution of their hosts. Some of our biggest challenges include: 1) limited analytical capacity to process large and complex next-generation sequencing datasets to derive meaningful insights, 2) realistic experimental settings to validate hypotheses about how microbiomes function and influence their host health and disease. I invite students keen on turning these challenges into opportunities to join our team.

Opportunities are available for people interested in bioinformatics and computational biology. Specific projects will be crafted according to the student interests and our team’s resources, and can focus on either fundamental questions (e.g. microbiome and host evolution) or applied outcomes (development of microbiome-based therapies). Motivation, drive and autodidact skills are essential.

Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries

Project Supervisor

Dr Vanessa Marcelino

Project availability

Marcelino Group

1 vacancies

Bacterial and Parasitic Infections
Cross Cutting Disciplines
Computational Science and Genomics

We work with the Stinear Group and utilise bioinformatics to understand microbiome ecology and evolution.

Marcelino Group Current Projects