The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


Research Projects

Project: Defining the effect of repeated malaria infections on adaptive immune cells

Haque Group

Because children in malaria endemic countries often experience repeated malaria infections over short periods of time, we seek to define what effect multiple infections have on T and B cell immunity to malaria parasites. This project will employ state of the art techniques with mouse models of blood-stage malaria infection. Techniques include, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, CRISPR/Cas9 editing, single-cell RNA-seq, single-cell epigenomics, and intra-vital microscopy.

Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries

Project Supervisor

Associate Professor Ashraful Haque

Project Co-supervisor

Dr Hyun Jae Lee

Dr Marcele Moreira

Project availability
Master of Biomedical Science

Haque Group

1 vacancies

Bacterial and Parasitic Infections
Cross Cutting Disciplines
Discovery Research
Computational Science and Genomics

Our laboratory is interested in studying T cell and B cell responses during infectious diseases, particularly malaria. We specialize in studying these cells using relatively recent techniques called “single-cell genomics” and "spatial transcriptomics".  These technologies allow us to examine thousands of genes in individual cells, which is important because T & B cells are often highly dynamic and diverse. We use a variety of bio-informatic and computer science methods to study these data.  Hence, our research team is comprised of a mixture of “wet-lab” experimentalists and “dry-lab” analysts.

Haque Group Current Projects