Project: Blocking the development of secondary bacterial pneumonia
Wakim group
We are looking for highly motivated students to determine why influenza infection causes Staphylococcus aureus to transition from the upper to the lower respiratory tract resulting in the development of bacterial pneumonia.
Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries
Wakim group
2 vacancies
The Wakim group research focus is understanding how T cells resident along the respiratory tract can be utilised to protect against influenza virus infection. Our main focus is to characterise the influenza virus fighting T cells in the lung and nasal tissue, identify factors important in their differentiation and longevity, and optimise approaches to lodge these highly protective T cells along the respiratory tract with the intent to improve influenza vaccine design and efficacy.
Wakim group Current Projects
Blocking the development of secondary bacterial pneumonia
PhD/MPhil, Master of Biomedical Science
Location, location, location – lodging virus specific T cells in the lung as an approach to protect against influenza virus infection
PhD/MPhil, Master of Biomedical Science